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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College


    Strategic Leadership Team

    Mr R. J King
    Mr D. O'Rourke
    Vice Principal
    Mrs M. Smith
    Vice Principal

    Mr V. Curnock
    Assistant Principal
    Miss L. Kirkbright
    Assistant Principal
    Director of Sixth Form

    Ms C. Mitchell
    Assistant Principal

    Mr B. Osborne
    Assistant Principal

    Mr N. Sutton
    Assistant Principal
    Director of Sixth Form

    Mrs M. Cheshire
    Business Manager


    Art and Design Technology 

    Mrs J Cannon
    Mrs A Williams 
    Ms A Scadding-Hunt
    Mrs L McCauley
    Miss M Sands
    Mrs A Curnock 
    Mr N White
    Mrs A Matthews

    English and Drama 

    Mr S Slocombe
    Miss L Kirkbright
    Mr G McNamara
    Mrs B Sharp
    Mrs L De Hondt 

    Mrs S Glyn-Jones

    Ms A Proctor
    Miss K Milton
    Mrs A Dyer
    Mr S Rutherford


    Mrs E Walker
    Mrs A Curnock
    Ms A Scadding Hunt


    Mrs T Priest 
    Mr B Osborne
    Miss B Davies
    Mr D Moroz
    Mrs A Gibson
    Miss K Burg
    Mr P Lyons-White
    Mr J Delaney
    Mr J Slade
    Mr D Roberts


    Mr M Hirani
    Mr D O'Rourke
    Ms C Mitchell
    Mr L Bogle


    Mr S Colebourne
    Mrs D Button
    Mrs J Harman
    Mr M Ward
    Miss E Power
    Mrs T Turri
    Mrs M Hathaway (Maternity Leave)
    Mrs E Colebourne

    Miss J Young

    Mrs S Prewett
    Mr D O'Gallagher 
    Miss D Copperstone

    Modern Languages

    Mrs S Owen
    Ms J Sanders
    Mr A Devés
    Ms E Williams


    Mr J Lewis
    Mr J Hibbs
    Mr J Mathers

    Physical Education

    Miss C Chennells
    Mr V Curnock
    Mr D Johnson
    Mr C Barley
    Ms C Johnston
    Mrs E Smith

    Religious Formation & Philosophy

    Mr F McCarthy
    Mr N Sutton
    Mrs J Lindsay
    Mr J Toffolo
    Miss D Saban
    Miss A Mounter
    Mrs R Parry
    Mr M Hansel

    Lay Chaplain

    Mr K Loud


    Mrs H Powers
    Mrs M Smith
    Mrs C Ford
    Mrs J Pascoe
    Mrs Z Tulodziecki (Maternity Leave)
    Mrs R Shaddick
    Mr A Davies
    Mrs R Carmichael
    Mr A Wood
    Mrs C Liew
    Mrs S Davies
    Mrs A Tufton
    Mr M Silver
    Mr P Brookin
    Mr M Quinlan

    Learning Support

     Mrs R Parry - Head of Learning Support
    Mrs M Bird - Learning Support Teacher

    Cover Supervisors

    Mrs D Charters
    Mrs C Shiga
    Mrs C Murillo-Moreno
    Mrs E Ellis
    Mr Abou El Fadl

    © 2024 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.