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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    Parent Apps and Websites

    At St Bede's, we use a number of websites and apps to communicate with families. Please find below a description of each app and how to get in touch should you experience any issues with accessing them. 


    Scopay is used for making payments for trips, to top up dinner accounts and to order uniform. This app is managed by the Finance Office, please contact for assistance in creating your account or if a payment you would expect to see is not available.

    Class Charts

    Class Charts is an app used by teachers to set homework, acknowledge excellent work and effort and to report any behaviour concerns. This information is available for parents / carers to see on both iOS and Android devices, or on a web browser. To set up access to Class Charts for the first time, please ask for an access code from your child's tutor or email who will direct your request to the relevant person. If you forget your password, please use the 'Forgotten Password' button on the login screen to reset it.

    Students also have a log in to Class Charts and their access code is also available from their tutor. They will need to keep this code safe, as they will need to use it each time they log in.

    Parent Portal

    Parent Portal is used to share academic information with families, such as termly reports and progress grades. Information such as timetables and attendance statistics are also available on the portal, as well as a link to School Cloud where appointments can be made for Consultation Evenings (see below).

    To set up access to Parent Portal, you will need an access code and temporary password. This information is issued to families when a child joins us in Year 7, but if for some reason this has been mislaid or it was never received, please email who will be able to assist you.

    If you are unable to remember your password to Parent Portal, please use the 'Forgotten Details' button on the login page -

    There is an app available for iOS and Android devices. Please search for iSams Parent in your app store. When you sign in for the first time, you will be asked for a School Code. This is 50539.

    School Cloud

    School Cloud is used to make appointments for each Consultation Evening between parents and teachers. If the evening takes place with video calls, this website is also where those appointments take place.

    School Cloud can be accessed here, and the login details are the same as for Parent Portal. 

    For instructions on how to make appointments, please click here.

    My Ed

    My Ed is an app that can be used to report student absence to the College, and to receive important messages regarding trips, newsletters and other communications. The app is available to both iOS and Android devices - search for My Ed in your app store. You will be guided through the sign up process by the app. You will need to make sure you use the same email address and phone number that we hold so that My Ed is able to match you with the right child. For any issues, please email and they will direct your email to the right person.

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.