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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College


    We are delighted to announce that True Education Partnerships have selected Josephine in Year 9 from students in the South West of England to receive a scholarship for the upcoming visit to our partner school in Guangzhou, China.

    Josephine was one of the only students to meet all of the strict selection criteria, having attended the Mandarin club here at St. Bede's faithfully in her own time since she was in Year 7. She is currently studying hard for her GCSE Mandarin, and maintains a keen interest in Chinese culture – including Chinese music and drama. 

    In the future, Josephine would like to be a Palaeontologist, and she has taken an interest in recent discoveries in this field in China: particularly the rich variety of discoveries in the Gobi Desert. Well done Josephine!
    Josephine said: "I can't believe it! I've been wanting to go to China since I can remember, and I'm so grateful. It feels like all the hard work has paid off."

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.