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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    Phenomenal success for the ‘resolute, courageous and meticulous’ GCSE students at St Bede’s Catholic College

    Staff and Governors celebrate excellent achievements again this year. Students at all levels secured
    grades matching their highest expectations and in many cases, exceeding their targets. Results of the most
    talented students were exceptionally strong with some outstanding performances at Grades 9 - 7 including
    88% of students achieving Grade 7+ in Spanish, 70% achieving 7+ in French, 69% achieving 7+ in Music
    and 50% of students achieving Grade 7+ in Religious Studies.

    Headline Figures include:

    • 80% achieved Grade 4+ in both English and Mathematics
    • 9% of all grades were Grade 9
    • 22% of all grades were Grade 8+
    • 36% of all grades were Grade 7+
    • 55% of all grades were Grade 6+
    • 72% of all grades were Grade 5+
    • 86% of all grades were Grade 4+

    Performance at Grade 4+ in a number of subjects was also excellent including:
    Additional Mathematics 100% French 100%
    Music 100% Spanish 100%
    Physics 96% Food Technology 93%
    Art and Design 92% Biology 92%
    Chemistry 91% Mathematics 89%
    Religious Studies 87% Business Studies 87%
    PE (BTEC) 84% English Literature 81%
    Drama 81% English Language 80%

    Best average grade in College this year is awarded to Giulia Ferrazzano who achieved eight Grade 9s, two
    Grade 8s and a Distinction* in BTEC
    at an average of 8.77.
    Niamh Fullerton also achieved nine Grade 9s, Jeffymol Joseph achieved eight Grade 9s, Joss Carr
    achieved seven Grade 9s and Molly Dolan and Rohit John both achieved six Grade 9s.

    20 students achieved ten Grades 9-7 including Gemma Blessing, Joss Carr, Philippa Crane, Catriona
    Davies, Maegan De Rama, Niamh Fullerton, Elita Fernandes, Giulia Ferrazzano,
    Liyana George, Rohit John, Jeffymol Joseph, Florence Magner, Holly Naylor, Ana Parish,
    Amy Price, Annie Rogers, Ella Staddon, Jasmine Varghese, Matthew Wood.

    A further 91 students between them shared 416 grades at 7+.

    Staff and Governors share the joy of our young people, their parents and their families as there is much to
    celebrate. We look forward to welcoming many of them back as they continue their studies in Areté, our
    Sixth Form, next year.

    Elizabeth White, Chair of Governors said ‘the students and teachers have to be commended for these
    exceptional results’.

    Garry Maher, Principal, said ‘I am delighted for the students. Their hard work, great teaching and
    overwhelming support from parents have resulted in them achieving excellent grades again this year.
    There is much to celebrate and we will ensure that St Bede’s continues to go from strength to strength in
    the years to come’. 2019

    A Level Results

    ‘A’ Level provision in Areté is well established and St Bede’s continues to be amongst the best in the city with 32% of the cohort taking A/AS Level examinations achieving at least 1 A* or A grade. 

    Some 57 students completed their study with us and they are now celebrating the following successes. 

    A* - C 61%

    A* - E 97%

    2 A* - E 98%

    1 A* - B 63%

    Average Grade C

    89% of the students are planning to go on to higher education and of these 49% have confirmed places at prestigious Russell Group institutions.

    We are delighted to report some outstanding individual performances. Students achieved grades that surpassed their expectations but not those of their teachers. We celebrated all grades whether they were A* or E; whatever the grades we are confident they reflected ability and effort made.

    Students achieving top grades were: 

    Those taking 4 ‘A’ Levels:

    Joseph Alexander with A*, A*, A*, A in Mathematics, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science and has been awarded a place to study Mathematics at Warwick University. 

    Kundai Vurayayi with A*, A, A, A in Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Spanish and will study Chemical Engineering at Nottingham University. 

    Those taking 3 ‘A’ Levels: 

    Ethan Osborn-Clarke with A, A, A in Geography, Psychology and Sociology has been accepted to study Geography at Bristol University.

    Lily Woodland with A*, A, B in Sociology, History and Fine Art will study History at Bristol University. 

    Crina Koncsag with A, B, B in English Literature, Law and Psychology will study Law at Cardiff University. 

    Matthew Latino with A, B, B in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry will complete an Apprenticeship with Rolls Royce.  

    Garry Maher, Principal, said “We all want what is best for the students at Areté and our ambition has always been to enable young people to achieve success, relative to ability. Results this year are a testament to the commitment and hard work of the students and their teachers. The challenge for St. Bede’s now is to build on this excellent performance to ensure that success is built to last. The direction is clear, the commitment is evident and I have every confidence that Areté will go from strength to strength and become an outstanding beacon of excellence for all.” 

    Elizabeth White, Chair of Governors said: “Results day is challenging for young people and their families. It is a real pleasure to see that the hard work of the students and staff has paid off yet again at Areté and that these young people are now well placed for the next phase in their lives. We wish each and every one success in their further studies.”

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.