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St. Bede's Catholic College

ST Bede's

Catholic College

    Excellent examination results

    Phenomenal success for the sublime and exceptionally fine GCSE students at St Bede’s

    Staff and Governors celebrate remarkable achievements. Students at all levels secured grades matching their greatest expectations and in many cases, exceeding target. Results of the most talented students were exceptionally strong with some stunning A*A performances including 80% pupils achieving A*A in Additional Mathematics and 61% either A* or A grade in Music.

    Headline figures include:

    • 90% achieved at least 5A*-C (Level 4) grades
    • 80% achieved Level 4+ in both English and Mathematics
    • 31% of all grades at A*/A (9, 8, 7)
    • 82% of all grades at C+
    • 54% grades at B+
    • Performance at C+ in a number of subjects was excellent including

    Additional Mathematics 100%

    Spanish 93%

    Geography 84%

    Mathematics 83%

    Art 92%

    History 81%

    English 83%

    Music 94%

    Business Studies 85%

    Physics 88%

    Religious Formation 93%

    Computer Science 88%

    Biology 88%

    French 87%

    Drama 90%

    Chemistry 90%

    Health and Social Care 85%



    Distinctive A Star Performers – A^

    Three students, Matthew Ball, Peter Savery and Joseph Alexander were successful in getting the top grade of A^ which is A* Distinction, in Additional Mathematics.

    Best in boy in college award this year goes to Peter Savery, who achieved 1A^, 8A* and three 9 grades (696 points) and best girl to Kundai Vurayayi who achieved one 9 grade, 8A*, one 8 grade, one 6 grade and a Merit (672 points)!

    Thirteen students achieved at least one Grade 9 in English and fourteen had Grade 9 in Mathematics

    Twenty-one students achieved at least 10A*/A or equivalent grades including Peter Savery (12), Joe Holbrook (12), Matthew Ball (11), Ann Rose Biju (11), Samuel Brady (11), Ruggerio Di Lecce (11), Daniel Long (11), Vanessa Diaba (11), Stephanie Palmer (11), Benjamin Stevens (11), Florence Brown (10), Jack Burns (10), Katherine Cleary (10), Elizabeth Goodwin (10), Kiara Long (10), Dominic Robbins (10), Wiktoria Szymanska (10), Lander Taduran (10), Jansen Roy (10), Kundai Vurayayi (10), Katie Dunne (10) .

    A further 26 students between them shared 209 A*/A grades or equivalent.

    Three students, Peter Savery, Matthew Ball and Stephanie Palmer were successful in achieving the top 9 grade in both Mathematics and English and between them shared 34 A*A or equivalent grades.

    In this climate of change and challenge, students of all abilities have achieved great grades.  Staff share the joy of these young people and look forward to working with significant numbers of them next year within Areté, our Sixth Form.

    Fr McAndrew, Chair of Governors said

    “The students and teachers have to be commended for these exceptional results.”

    Catherine Hughes, Principal said

    “I am delighted for the students. Their hard work and great teaching have resulted in them achieving excellent grades yet again this year. The high expectations which teachers have coupled with the industry, determination, and resilience of the students has proved to be a winning formula for us at St Bede’s.”    2017

    © 2025 St. Bede's Catholic College. St Bede's Catholic College, a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, company number 07798550. Registered office: St Bede's Catholic College, Long Cross, Bristol, BS11 0SU.